Join the Hosted Buyer Program & achieve new business goals!
ARTOZA is one of the most influencing and innovative trade shows for the bakery and confectionary in the world. There you may find new trends as well as already established Brands from the confectionery, ice cream and bakery industry in Greece and the wider Balkan region.
By joining the trade show’s Hosted Buyer Program, you will meet 280 important sector’s companies from Greece, see innovations in the confectionery, ice cream and bakery industries and discover the latest production solutions. ARTOZA is a great opportunity for you to compare and fully analyze all offers dedicated to the industry available on the market.
Join now and take advantage of the possibility of b2b dedicated meetings with potential business partners!
Hosted Buyers of ARTOZA receive a bespoke experience, with a personalized diary packed full of pre-schedules appointments with top Greek and international Bakery & Pastry producers and suppliers.
The key exhibition for the bakery and pastry industry!
With a deep and wide influence in the sectors of Bakery and Confectionery, ARTOZA is a shining star in the world of exhibitions as the platform where the most important trade contacts and agreements are shaped, between the supply market and the Bakery & Confectionery professionals of Greece and the wider Balkan region.
Every two years, ARTOZA is here to reaffirm its reputation and to function as a platform fostering innovation and developments, not only for its own sector, but also for the wider Foodservice industry. With its huge recognizability and pulling power, gained through its long history, ARTOZA gathers executives and owners from thousands of Bakery, Confectionery and Ice Cream businesses, but also from thousands of businesses from the Hotel and Foodservice industry.
Exhibition Product Categories
Whom it concerns
A large number of targeted professional visitors from the entire bakery-patisserie sector are expected to visit ARTOZA trade fair. Visitors to the trade show will include owners and staff of businesses from the following categories:
Owners of bakeries & patisseries
Owners of patisserie workshops
Owners and staff of facilities producing bakery, patisserie, ice cream, pastry and chocolate products
Raw material merchants and suppliers
Machinery and supply merchants
Bakery-patisserie artisans
Pizza & cheese pie workshop owners
Hotel chefs, cooks and F&B managers
Catering companies
Liquor stores, coffee dealers, sweet shops
Cafés, snack bars, fast food and pizza restaurants
Restaurant-coffee shop chains
What do you gain by visiting the exhibition?
At ARTOZA you will discover all the sector’s leading companies and your visit to the trade show provides you with a great number of commercial benefits such as:
Within four days, you will meet, under the same roof, 280 Greek and international exhibitors: producers, distributors and suppliers of raw materials and ingredients, equipment, as well as furnishings, packaging and services.
You will be able to schedule in advance b2b meetings with the exhibitors of your choice.
You will converse with the exhibitors about the real needs of your business, get valuable solutions, compare prices, and conclude direct commercial agreements.
You will see first-hand a vast range of new products, innovative equipment, technologies, and services concentrated all in one space, saving you time and money in order to choose the best products and solutions that will differentiate yourself from your competitors and make your business more profitable.